Sust crisis deepens: Teachers confine VC at his office

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Demonstrating teachers of the Shahjalal University of Science and Technology (SUST) in Sylhet have confined the Vice-Chancellor (VC) inside his office in an attempt to force him to quit.
More than a hundred pro-government teachers gathered at the VC’s room and the adjoining room from 11am to 1pm on Tuesday to press for resignation of Aminul Haque Bhuiyan.
Bhuiyan could not move out of the office while the protesting teachers stopped employees and officials entering in. The VC went on a two-month leave amid an agitation by the same group of teachers. He promised them he would resign but did not.
After entering the VC office, convenor of the protesting teachers’ group Professor Syed Samsul Alam handed a letter to the VC requesting his resignation.
Later, Prof Alam told they would continue their movement until the VC resigned.
The pro-Awami League teachers’ panel has been pressing for the demand since April accusing him of ‘misconduct’, ‘incompetence’ in running the administration, and indulging in irregularities in recruitment.
As part of the movement, on Apr 20, thirty-five teachers had relinquished their administrative posts.
However, on Apr 23, Bhuiyan called an emergency Syndicate meeting and announced that he was going on a two-month leave. The crisis resurfaced when he returned to the campus on June 22, a day before the end of leave, and appointed a proctorial body. The education minister held meetings with teachers and the VC but failed to resolve the crisis.