Teacher of IIUC obtain PHD


Teacher of IIUC Md.Shofiqur Rahman obtain Phd from Islamic university Kustia faculty of theology, Department of Dawah and Islamic studies. His thesis subject was the “politics of Hazrat Mohammed (SA) on the basis of Quran”. The Syndicate Meeting of 14th October 2016 approved the Phd Degree. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Golam Mowla department of Dawah and Islamic Studies was his superintendent. Mentionable that Md.Shofiqur Rahman obtain 1st Class first in BA(Hons) from Al Azhar University Misher and Completed his Masters degree from Malaysia International Islamic University and obtain 1st class first. University sources said.
Now he worked as Asst. professor in IIUC Quranic Science and Islamic Studies department.
