Teacher held for raping minor girl

Staff Reporter :
A madrasa teacher was arrested on charge of raping a minor girl inside the Iqra Cadet Madrasa in Gazipur on Firday.
The accused has been identified as Md Selim Mia, a parttime teacher of the madrasa.
The victim is a Class II student of the institution. She has been admitted to Shahid Tajuddin Medical College Hospital with injuries.
Md Selim Mia called the victim girl for cleaning the table and chair of the madrasa on Friday morning. When she came to the madrasa, the teacher asked her to go into his room and raped her with warning
not to disclose it to her parents.
The minor girl told everything to her parents and the local people who thrashed him and handed over to police.
Sub-Inspector of Joydebpur Police Station Rafiqul Islam told The New Nation that the local people informed the police about the incident. Police rushed to the spot and arrested Selim Mia on Friday morning.
Victim’s brother filed a case with Joydebpur Police Station in this regard.
The doctors also found symbol of rape in the minor girl’s body.