Tea-infused sticky dumplings

Ingredients :
2 tbsp green tea
75g glutinous rice flour
35g rice flour
¼ tsp salt
100ml water
20g palm sugar, chopped into small pieces
1/2 tsp toasted white sesame seeds
1/2 tsp toasted black sesame seeds.
In a mixing bowl, combine the flours and salt. Add the water and stir with a spoon or your hands until a dough forms.
Divide the dough into 12 equal parts. Roll each portion into a ball.
Press 1 piece of dough with your thumb, forming a small pocket in the centre. Place ½ teaspoon of palm sugar inside. Seal the pocket by squeezing the mixture together and roll it into a small ball again. Repeat with the remaining dough and palm sugar. Place the dumplings on a tray lined with plastic wrap.
Bring a large saucepan of water to the boil. Add the tea. Add the dumplings, in two batches, and cook for 6 minutes.
Remove with a slotted spoon, drain, and transfer to a serving platter.
Sprinkle with the black and white sesame seeds. Serve hot.