Tarique sends legal notice to Naimul Islam

UNB, Dhaka :
BNP’s acting chairman Tarique Rahman sent a legal notice to Naimul Islam, chief-editor of the online news portal amadersomoy.com on Thursday.
The notice alleged the portal published fabricated news reading that Tarique, his wife Zobaida Rahman and their daughter Zaima Rahman have applied for British citizenship, deliberately attempting to tarnish the political and social image of Tarique Rahman with ill motive.
Warning of taking legal actions under Criminal Procedure Court (CrPC), it also demanded to withdraw the news published on February 20 from the
portal within two weeks and to publish rejoinder in the portal along with some other national newspapers.
Confirming the issuance of legal notice, Tarique Rahman’s advocate Barrister Kaisar Kamal said the false news like this against Tarique Rahman is punishable offence under the existing laws of the country and it is gross violation of professionalism and ethics.
In the report, the news portal also claimed that Zobaida and Zamima have a savings of Tk 770 crore in different countries of the world.