Tarique joins interviews thru video confce


Staff Reporter :
BNP acting Chairman Tarique Rahman on Sunday conducted interviews of the party’s nomination seekers for the 11th parliamentary election through a video- conference from London where he is living for last ten years, party Chairperson’s press wing member Sayrul Kabir Khan said.
BNP Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir along with the party’s parliamentary board started to take interview of the nomination aspirants at the party chief’s Gulshan office around 9:10 am. All the party standing committee members are the parliamentary board members.
The parliamentary board members have started the interview session with Panchagarh-1 constituency’s nomination seekers.
They also interviewed candidates for Rangpur and Rajshahi divisions on the day.
The board will sit with the aspirants from Barishal and Khulna divisions on Monday; those from Chattogram, Cumilla and Sylhet divisions on November on Tuesday and those from Mymensingh, Faridpur and Dhaka divisions on November Wednesday.
Party’s standing committee on Friday night decided that no standing committee member would contest from more than one constituency.
A total of 4,580 aspirants have collected nomination forms.
The BNP leaders and nomination seekers alleged that police harassed them in the name of searching before entering the party chairperson’s Guilshan office to attend the interviews.
Police searched every nomination seekers and party’s relevant leaders before entering the office.
Huge numbers of police have taken position in the Gulshan Road- 86 where the BNP chairperson’s office is situated.
Police Inspector from Gulshan Police Station Aminul said, “It is a VIP road, so we are taking care to avoid any anarchy.”
