Tariq Anam, Moushumi, Tawsif’s Eid drama Sondhye Namar Agey


Entertainment Report :
Story of father, daughter and son, an Eid special drama titled Sondhye Namar Agey has been made. Noted actor Tariq Anam Khan, popular film actress Moushumi and TV actor Tawsif Mahbub played roles of father Motiur Rahman, daughter Samia and Sammyo son respectively in the drama. Masum Shahriar have written story of the drama from the adaptation of main story written by Salauddin Bijoy. Newcomer director Alam Anwar has scripted and also gave direction of the drama. Before going to USA, Moushumi completed shooting of this drama.  
While talking about acting in the drama, Tariq Anam Khan said, “Both Moushumi and Tawsif Mahbub worked with me earlier. For the first time, we shared the screen together in this drama. We tried our best to present the drama nicely. It is no doubt Moushumi is a good actress and Tawsif is also a popular face of the small screen now. Director was a newcomer but his full team gave a lot of efforts to make the drama successful. I hope viewers will enjoy the drama.”
Moushumi shared her feelings by this way, “I have liked story of the drama. For this reason, I showed my keen interest to work in the drama. Tariq Anam Bhai is a noted actor. There is nothing to say about his acting. Working with him, there is a possibility to develop acting skill. Tawsif is a good boy and he does acting sincerely. If he concentrates more acting, he will become a good actor. I believe during Eid, viewers will enjoy the drama.”
Tawsif Mahbub said, “Tariq Anam Sir is an icon of acting in our country. It is a great luck for me to get the opportunity to act with him. In the meantime, I also got the scope to act with my favourite actress Moushumi Apu. I played in role her younger brother in the drama. It was really a great achievement for me to act with these two noted actors.”  
Tariq Anam also said that he has already acted in several numbers of web contents and a drama directed by L R Sohel. On the occasion of Eid, he will pass busy times.
On the other hand, after returns to country end of this month, Moushumi will finish dubbing of movie Bhangon,” Moushumi said.
