Tareen`s two Eid telefilms


Sheikh Arif Bulbon :
While staying inside or outside the country her parents always remains worried at their residence in the city’s Dhanmondi area. For this reason, after finishing her works Tareen prefers to comeback to parents. Because she feels she is still child to them. Despite having engagement with activities Tareen always tries to keep in touch with them.
Today is popular actress Tareen’s birthday. Today she will be present as invited guest at two live programmes. One is Rtv’s Tarokalap and another is Channel i’s Tarokakothon. Besides these, she will give time to her parents, sister and other family members.
Basically she does not have any special plan to celebrate her birthday. She usually enjoys the day with her two sisters Tuhin and Nahin.
Now Tareen has been engaged with acting in Touquir Ahmed’s telefilm Megh-er Aaraley Megh in Gazipur’s Rajendrapur’s Nakshatrabari. Before that she finished shooting of another telefilm titled Ilish under Niaz Mahbub’s direction. These two telefilms will be aired on Ntv in Eid-ul-Azha.
While sharing her feelings about celebrating her birthday Tareen told this correspondent, “In fact, I have no special want to Allah except give long life to my parents because they are my life. Except them, I am nothing in this world. Everybody pray for me as I can remain well.”
