Holy Ramzan: Taraweeh prayer

Abdul Muqit Chowdhury :
The rozadars have to perform the additional night-prayer ‘Taraweeh’ along with the regular ‘Isha’ prayer in this month. It is a ‘Sunnate Muakkadah.’ Rasulullah (Sm) said, “Allah has made the fasting obligatory and offering Taraweeh prayer is Sunnat.” After breaking of fast and Maghreb prayer, the
rozadars hasten to mosques after a short rest, to perform Taraweeh collectively in jamat.
In Bangladesh many mosques arrange ‘Khatam Taraweeh’ i.e ; phase-wise recitation of the Holy Quran. This month, being the month of Revelation of the Holy Quran, recitation of the verses in the prayer whole through the month is of special importance and significance. It is a part of ‘Sunnah-e-Nabawi’ and has great merit.
Resulullah (Sm) said, “Those who perform Taraweeh and Tahazzud prayer in the month of Ramzan with the hope of virtue, will be forgiven of their sins.” (Bukhari, Muslim Sharif). The Holy Quran defines the character of perfect Muslims in the verse : “(They are proper Muslims), who pass their nights in sizda and qiam (in Salat) towards their Lord.” Taraweeh and Tahazzud are of these ‘Qiamullail’. Hazrat Ayesha (Ra) said, “Don’t miss the prayer at night. Because, Rasulullah (Sm) never missed it.”
Taraweeh prayer is of 20 raka’ats. It is preferably performed in congregation (Jamat) in the mosques. It is performed in two procedures of jamats. These are ‘Surah Taraweeh’ and ‘Khatam Taraweeh’. In the Khatam Taraweeh the whole Quran Sharif is recited in the jamat and completed (Khatam) preferably before Shab-e-Qadar, the night of the Reveletion of the Holy Quran.
The Imam in Khatam Taraweeh is compulsorily a Hafez-e-Quran. Khatam Taraweeh is performed as a continuous process in innumerable mosques in Bangladesh. The mosques of the major cities all over Bangladesh take a festive look in the nights as thousands of musallies of different ages gather in the mosques for Taraweeh congregation.
However, in many mosques, mostly in villages, Surah Taraweeh is performed. But, there is also Khatam Taraweeh in some of the mosques in the villages.
If anyone is unable to attend Khatam Taraweeh, he may perform Sura Taraweeh at house also. Women offer the prayer mainly at house.
It can be added here that Taraweeh prayer also contributes to physical fitness and emotional well-being. So, spiritually and physically, from both the viewpoint, Taraweeh is a cherished prayer.