Taq’wa In Ramzan Both Are Interconnected


Md. Mamunor Rashid :
Islam stands on five pillars and fasting (Ramzan) is one of them. Allah gives the month of Ramzan as a mercy to the people. Fasting in the holy month of Ramzan had almost been abiding from Hazrat Adam (A.) to Hazrat Muhammad (sm.), but the system was different. In Islam fasting is a method for a spiritual discipline and self-control. It is in fact an exercise in religious devotion in the form of positive and willing rejection of all lawful food and drinks for a specific period (the unlawful ones being ruled out of course).
Allah says, “Oh, you who believe! Fasting (Ramzan) is prescribed to you as it was prescribed to those before you, so that you may learn piety and righteousness (Taqwa)” [Quran, 2:183].
Ramzan is the month of revelation of the holy Qu’ran. Allah says,
Ramzan is the month in which the Quran was revealed as a guide for humanity with clear proofs of guidance and the standard to distinguish between right and wrong. So whoever is able this month, let them fast. But whoever is ill or on a journey, then ‘let them fast’ for an equal number of days after Ramzan. Allah intends ease for you, not hardship, so that you may complete the prescribed period and proclaim the greatness of Allah for guiding you, and perhaps you will be grateful. – [Quran, 2:185]
The month of Ramzan is the month of Taqwa (piety). Taqwa is doing something which Allah has enjoined and avoiding something which He has forbidden.
It was reported that Umar bin Khattab (ra.) asked Ubay Ibn Ka’b about Taq’wa. In reply Ka’b (ra.) queried Umar (ra.), “O Leader of the believers, what do you do when you have to pass through a thorny road? Umar (ra.) replied, “I lift my cloth up to my calves and watch my footsteps and take each step slowly from the fear of thorns lest they don’t prick me”. Ka’b said, “This is Taq’wa”.
Taqwa has been mentioned in the holy Quran in more than 60 locations in various chapters (Suras). Attaining Taqwa (piety) is the way to become the nearest person to the almighty Allah and our beloved prophet Hazrat Muhammad (sm). Taqwa is the active self-consciousness of Allah’s power present in our lives with fasting in the month of Ramzan. There is an inter relationship between Taqwa and fasting. Fasting is the exercise of Taqwa. Through fasting, a Sa’yeem (fast keeper) can attain Taqwa (piety) easily. As we fast throughout the day, we feel thirsty and hungry but we don’t take anything until If’tar because of devoutness and obedience to Allah. This devoutness and obedience to Allah is a part of Taqwa (piety).
A Mutta’qi (pious) can’t criticize and steer to anybody as well as he can’t do any work which is not allowed according to the holy Qu’ran and Sunnah. Allah says, ‘Indeed, the righteous will be among gardens and rivers, in a seat of honor near a sovereign, perfect in ability’. -(Sura Al-Qamar: Verse 54 & 55)
Similarly, a Sa’yeem (fasting keeper) doesn’t act against Allah’s order and thus he becomes a Mutta’qi (pious). He is the most honorable among the people. Allah says, ‘Verily, the most honorable of you with Allah is that (believer) who has At-Taqwa. Verily, Allah is All-Knowing, All-Aware’. -(Surah Al Hujurat Ayat 13)
Fasting (Ramzan) and Taq’wa are interrelated. Fasting connects the merits of Taq’wa to the heart of people. It is not only being hungry but also a matter of attaining Taq’wa. Ramzan (fasting) is mandatory because through it a person can learn how to control the appetite and how to avoid evil deeds which might be occurred by his mind, body and soul. So, fasting is a practice of accepting good deeds and getting rid of vulgarism. It is a tradition of moral elevation which can be examined from the fact that Allah does not enforce verification only upon eating, drinking and sexual intercourse from dawn to dusk, but also exhorts His servants to refrain from other foul acts i.e. backbiting, indulging in foul speech, telling lies, etc.
In a Hadith, the Holy Prophet warned, “How many persons fast and get nothing out of their fasting except hunger and thirst and how many persons pray at night and get nothing out of it except sleeplessness.”
Abu Huraira (ra.) reported Allah’s Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: ‘If one does not abandon falsehood and other actions like it, Allah has no need that one should abandon one’s food and drink’. – (Sahih Bukhari)
A fasting person’s soul experiences an exhilarating sense of Taq’wa. He (a fasting person) doesn’t take food whereas he feels thirsty yet he abstains from taking a few sips of water or a few morsels of foods. What makes him away from these? It is Taq’wa and it is the consciousness of presence of Allah that causes him to control his hankering after sustenance and submit to Allah’s will and command.
Fasting in the blessed month of Ramzan provides a great opportunity to acquire Taq’wa for people. Ramzan (fasting month) is absolutely called a month of training Taq’wa.

(Mamunor Rashid is Lecturer, Department of Islamic Studies, Leading University, Sylhet).
