Tanzania’s investment promotion agency call for Chinese investors


Xinhua, Dar Es Salaam :
 “I would like to welcome Chinese investors to come and invest in Tanzania and we will facilitate them in all ways,” says Geoffrey Mwambe, the Executive Director of the Tanzania Investment Center (TIC).
TIC is the primary agency of the Tanzanian government to coordinate, encourage, promote and facilitate investment in Tanzania and to advise the government on all investment related matters.
Since the government of Tanzania is focused on industrialization, Mwambe encourages Chinese companies to come and invest in Tanzania. “Some of them have shown examples and we welcome other Chinese companies to do the same,” he says in an exclusive interview with Xinhua.
Mwambe says trade between Tanzania and China continues to grow healthily, explaining that China remains Tanzania’s largest trading partner, with bilateral trade amounting to 3.88 billion U.S. dollars in 2016.
China is also Tanzania’s second-largest source of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and about 724 Chinese companies are registered with the TIC while more and more Tanzanians are entering into partnership in trade and investment with their Chinese counterparts, says the TIC CEO.
“We once again thank China for selecting Tanzania to be among the four pilot countries for China-Africa capacity cooperation,” Mwambe told Xinhua in the east African nation’s commercial capital Dar es Salaam this week.
He said the partnership between the two countries can be remarkable through projects implemented through Chinese companies’ support or support of the government of China.
