Tanzanian President Magufuli dies


Tanzanian President John Magufulidied Wednesday aed 61 from a heart condition, his vice president said, after
more than five years of divisive, authoritarian rule capped by his refusal totake Covid-19 seriously. Magufuli, popularly nicknamed the “Bulldozer”, had been missing from publicview for almost three weeks, fuelling wild rumours of his ill health, with
opposition leaders claiming he had contracted the virus. “It is with deep regret that I inform you that today on the 17th of March,2021 at 6:00 pm we lost our brave leader, the President of the Republic of
Tanzania, John Pombe Magufuli,” said vice-president Samia Suluhu Hassan. She said Magufuli had died of a “heart condition” known as chronic atrial fibrillation characterised by an abnormal heartbeat, which he had suffered from for a decade, at a hospital in Dar es Salaam. He had first been briefly admitted to the Jakaya Kikwete Cardiac Institute on March 6, but was subsequently discharged, Hassan said. But Magufuli had again felt unwell and was on March 14 rushed to hospital, this time to the Emilio Mzena Memorial Hospital in Dar es Salaam. Hassan announced a 14-day mourning period. Magufuli last appeared in public on February 27, and the fervent Catholic had missed three Sunday services, sparking concern. Opposition leader Tundu Lissu cited sources saying that the president had caught Covid-19 which had exacerbated his existing health conditions, whichcould not be independently verified.

 Meanwhile demands grew for information on his whereabouts and rumours took off that Magufuli was seeking treatment outside the country.
The president’s supporters mourned his death, and the uncertain political
road ahead.
“I am saddened personally. I’ve lost hope because I relied on him as my
leader, he was a leader of the poor and now we are wondering how things will
be now that our leader has died,” said 24-year-old Lewis, in Dar es Salaam.
British Prime Minister Boris Johnson tweeted he was “sorry to hear” of
Magufuli’s death.
Meanwhile the United States State Department expressed condolences, adding:
“we hope that Tanzania can move forward on a democratic and prosperous path.”
– Anti-corruption crusader –
Magufuli was first elected in 2015 as a corruption-busting man of the
people, endearing him to a population weary of graft scandals.
However, a slide into authoritarianism, which saw a crackdown on the media,
civil society and opposition, raised alarm among foreign allies and rights
His re-election last October was dismissed by the opposition and some
diplomats as a sham, over alleged rigging, the blocking of foreign media and
observer teams and an oppressive military presence.
Analysts said that Magufuli had dealt a crushing blow to democracy in one
of Africa’s most stable nations.
However he also won plaudits for expanding free education, rural
electrification and investing in infrastructure projects such as railways, a
hydropower dam set to double electricity output and the revival of the
national airline.
His government passed a raft of laws to increase Tanzania’s stake in its
mineral resources and demanded millions in back taxes from foreign mining
But it was Magufuli’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic which cast his
leadership style into sharp relief.
He was one of a handful of world leaders, alongside former US President
Donald Trump and Brazil’s Jair Bolsonaro, who scoffed at the virus,
championing alternative medicines.
Magufuli called for prayer instead of face masks, before stopping the
publication of statistics in April 2020 when the country had recorded a total
of 509 cases and 16 deaths.
Tanzania became an outlier in a region which quickly implemented lockdowns,
night-time curfews and travel restrictions to stem infections.
In May last year he revealed he had submitted a variety of fruit and
animals to be tested for the virus and that a papaya, quail and goat tested
positive, proving “sabotage” at the national laboratory.
– ‘There is no Covid-19’ –
Magufuli later claimed prayer had saved the country from Covid-19.
“That’s why we are all not wearing face masks here. You think we don’t fear
dying? It’s because there is no Covid-19,” he said.
However by February, as illness soared and the vice president of semi-
autonomous Zanzibar was revealed to have died from Covid-19, Magufuli
conceded the virus did in fact exist.
Nevertheless he warned his health ministry not to rush into procuring
vaccines, saying they were “dangerous”.
Under Tanzania’s constitution, Hassan will become the country’s first
female president and will consult the ruling Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) party
over the appointing of a new vice president.
Magufuli’s death plunges Tanzania into political uncertainty, according to
Nic Cheeseman, professor of democracy at the University of Birmingham.
“The news of Magufuli’s death will fundamentally reshape Tanzanian
politics. Having dominated the political scene since his election, he leaves
something of a political vacuum,” Cheeseman said.
