Arrear payment: Tanners, merchants meet today

Staff Reporter :
The country’s leather sector’s stakeholders will sit together in a meeting today to discuss the issue of payment of arrears to rawhide merchants amid the crisis over rawhide purchase after the Eid-ul-Azha.
When contacted, president of the Bangladesh Hide and Skin Merchants’ Association (BHSMA) Delwar Hossain said, ‘they would sit for a meeting tomorrow’ to discuss the payment of arrears and latest situation of rawhide trade.
He said, the tanners assured us of paying dues before Eid, but they didn’t.
On Thursday, tannery industry owners have agreed to clear the arrears to rawhide merchants in three phases.
The decision came at an arbitration meeting on
They also claimed that the contamination oof river water wile contime until increase of CETP in the Savar Tanneries.
Its possible to refine the waste of 50 tannery units, but over 130 factories are now under production, they added.
There are no sufficient components needed for desalinizing wastewater.
All toxic materials are mixing in the river water the biodiversity of the river, they further said.
As a result, fish and various aquatic species are likely to lose the living environment in five-kilometre stretch of the Dhaleshwari river from Fulbaria to Vakurta downstream.
Ever since the Savar Tannery Industrial Estate started dumping effluents into the river in mid-2016, hundreds of fishermen had gradually left the profession as they were not getting any fish there.
The country’s tannery industry uses around 40,000 tonnes of salt annually. Now it won’t be possible to add the desalinisation unit to the CETP, said officials in the factories.
As of last year, the tannery factories in Hazaribagh daily produced about 21,600 cubic meters of environmentally hazardous liquid containing chemicals such as chromium, sulphur, ammonium, salt and other chemicals, they said.
The Savar project began in 2003. The plan was to complete it in 2005 at an approximate cost of Tk 175.75 crore. As it was rescheduled thrice, the cost went up to Tk 827.99 crore, according to them.
Rafiqul Islam, a local, said, “We were around 1,500 fishermen. Everything has changed ever since the tannery estate started dumping waste in the river,” he said. “Many of us became day labourers, rickshaw pullers and many had to find other jobs.”
Hanif Choudhury, the Chairman of Modina Corporation told The Daily New Nation on Wednesday, “The government says the work environment is good at Saver tannery, but there is no working environment here.”
By this time, “Already 130 tanneries have arrived in Hemayatpur. But the Common Effluent Treatment Plant (CETP) for waste water management have capacity to purify water of only 50 tanneries. Some of them have already been destroyed. So that dirty water is coming out and polluting the Dhaleshwari river water.” he said.
Hanif Choudhury claimed that the responsibility of purifying a weste water has been given to China company, but they are not working properly. It wouldn’t have been so bad if had given responsibility to a Japanese company or any skilled agency.
