Talks with pvt varsities today

Ministry's bid to fight militancy together


M M Jasim :
In the wake of rising militancy, the Home Ministry holds a meeting today (Sunday) with the private universities in a bid to get a solution over the burning issue.
Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal will preside over the function while Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid will be present there as the chief guest. The meeting will be held at Krishibid Institution Auditorium in the city.
About 900 Vice-chancellors (VCs), teachers, guardians and Deputy Inspector General (DIG) level officials of the police department will take part in the meeting. The Home Ministry will note down the proposals of the speakers apparently to find out the roots of terrorism, sources said.
Meanwhile, the National University (NU) has taken a massive plan to resist terrorism. At the same time, it has also taken initiatives in order to foil the terror groups’ plan to misguide the general students towards the path of terrorism.
As per the plan, it will hold a ‘peace rally’ taking all the principals of the colleges under the National University (NU) at Krishibid Instituion Auditorium on July 21.
NU Vice-Chancellor Professor Harun-or-Rashid will preside over the rally while Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid has consented to be present as the chief guest.
It is also planned that every college under the NU will hold peace rally to create awareness among the teachers, students and guardians about terrorism and militancy, the NU sources said.
In the meantime, the students and the guardians especially those who are studying in private universities and English medium schools are in dilemma whether they will continue study or not.
The guardians think that there are many problems in the private universities and English medium schools as the students deprive of proper education particularly learning of moral values and ethics.
 “The private universities and the English medium schools do not teach the students about the country’s history, norms, values and courtesy. They are just doing business in the name of education,” the guardians said. They said, the students are getting involved in the terror activities and militancy due to lack of proper education and management.
Shamim Alam, a guardian, told The New Nation on Saturday, “My only son studies in Scholastica School. After the terror attack in Gulshan and when I saw that a student of the school was involved in the incident I am in dilemma. I don’t know, what will I do right now?”
 “Many students, who are studying in English medium school, still remain missing and the law enforcement agencies are yet to trace their whereabouts. The government must take step to curb militancy,” Shamim Ahmed said.
Rifat Hossain, a student of BBA of North South University, told this reporter that his family members are in fear about his future activities. “I tried to manage them that I will never join such kind of militant group. But they requested me to come back from the university,” he said. He said: “”I am in big problem. I have to receive at least 50 calls a day. Everyone wants to learn the latest news of the university. Most of them now discourage me to study in the university.”
Meanwhile, the Education Ministry will arrange a discussion to prevent militancy at International Mother Language Institute on July 23.
 “The ministry is working to create awareness among the teachers, students, guardians and the people of all classes to resist terrorism and militancy,” Education Minister Nurul Islam Nahid said.
The terror attack at Holey Artisan Bakery in the capital’s Gulshan diplomatic enclave left 29 people killed, including two police officers, 17 foreign nationals and at least five militant suspects.
Following the brutal incident, the government directed all the concern ministries including the Home Ministry and Education Ministry to take measurers to aware the students and their gurdians about the militancy.
