Talk on unfinished diary of prison of Bangabandhu held


The 15th Monthly General Meeting of Asiatic Society of Bangladesh was held in the Society’s Auditorium on Tuesday. Prof Mahfuza Khanam, President of the Society presided over the meeting while Prof AKM Golam Rabbani, General Secretary of the Society conducted the meeting. Prof. Dr Harun-or-Rashid, Vice Chancellor, National University, gave a talk on ‘unfinshed diary of prison of Bangabandhu’, says a press release.
Speakers said, the book is not only the diary of prison of Bangabandhu, but it is a panorama of the people of then East Pakistan, their social, economical and political life with their sorrows and tribulations, oppression and tyranny under the Pakistani rule. As a matter of fact the whole of then Eaxt Pakistan was a prison to Bangabandhu. The long-cherished dream of Bangabandhu was to free the Bengalis from the shackle of Pakistani Military Junta.
His freedom movement culminated in the independence of Bangladesh in 1971. Bangabandhu himself said in one of his Eid meassages that the people of East Pakistan would only enjoy the Eid when they will be free from the slavery. Independent Bangladeshis the real realization of the Bangabandhu’s dream. Professor Harun-or-Rashid concluded that the two books written by Bangabandhu in prison are a mile stone in the annals of Bangladesh.
The two books are the national trasure of the Bangalis. Four discussants – Prof Raunaq Jahan, Prof Md Samad, Prof Shamsuzzaman and Mr Swadesh Roy are noted personalities in the academic and social arena of Bangladesh.
National fellows, national prof, academics scholars, eminent legal luminaries, high officials, distinguished personalities, guests, and members of the Society attended the meeting.
