Takshak, a rare woodpecker rescued in Madhukhali


Madhukhali (Faridpur) Correspondent :
Members ofr RAB-6 raided house of Hanif Biswas in Naopara village of Gajna union of the upazila late at night of Tuesday and arrested two people with Takshak of rare species of woodpecker . The detainees are the son of Yusuf Sardar of Khalkula village in Baliakandi upazila of Rajbari district. Wazed Sardar, 65, and Hanif Biswas, son of Ohed Biswas of Naopara village in Gajna union of Madhukhali upazila.
RAB-7 arrested them under the Wildlife Act of 2012 and handed them over to Madhukhali police station. The detainees were released on bail on July 8 at 11am. The woodpecker has been released in the Faridpur sugar mill forest. The woodpecker is about 15 inches long. It is a giggling species. There are about 800 species of woodpeckers in the world.
Madhukhali police officer in charge (OC) said. Shahidul Islam confirmed the matter and said that the woodpecker was releasedand they were released. The matter is not subject to suit under the law.
