Take care of Rohingyas to return: UNHCR


Diplomatic Correspondent :
The persecuted Rohingyas have expressed their ‘ardent aspirations’ to return to Myanmar at the earliest, said visiting United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees and Under-Secretary General Filippo Grandi on Wednesday.
He also informed that the UNHCR and other international agencies are undertaking a number of projects for the benefit of the local population in Cox’s Bazar.
He said this to the Foreign Minister Dr. AK Abdul Momen at State Guest House Padma in the capital.
Meanwhile, Bangladesh has sought proactive engagement of UNHCR for sustainable repatriation of the forcibly displaced Rohingyas who were persecuted by the Myanmar army in a large scale in 2017.
“Bangladesh expects International Community, in particular UNHCR, to enhance their activities in Rakhine in creating environment conducive to the sustainable repatriation of the persecuted Rohingya to Rakhine,” Momen said.
While sharing his experience of the visits to Cox’s Bazar Rohingya Camp and Bhasan Char, Filippo mentioned the ardent aspirations of all the Rohingyas he met to return to Myanmar at the earliest.
He also assured to extent all sorts of support to Bangladesh in ensuring sustainable repatriation of the Rohingya to Rakhine.
Momen said that proactive engagement of the international community in confidence building among the Rohingya people is crucial for sustainable repatriation.
He thanked UNHCR for its continued engagement in the humanitarian operations for the forcibly displaced Rohingyas. Foreign Minister highlighted the introduction of informal education for the Rohingya children under Myanmar Curriculum in Myanmar Language, skill development activities, livelihood opportunities, health facilities etc. both in Cox’s Bazar and in Bhasan Char. He expressed hope that these initiatives would facilitate their reintegration in Myanmar society upon return.
Momen urged the UNHCR High Commissioner to engage with Myanmar with the view to create conducive environment in the Rakhine State for early repatriation.
The High Commissioner informed that his organisation is making efforts in this regard and assured that he will further pursue this.
He underscored that the UNHCR is in the same page with Bangladesh concerning voluntary and sustainable repatriation the Rohingyas to Myanmar.
Expressing concern over the lingering of the crisis, Momen said, the presence of a huge number of persecuted and displaced Rohingyas might have multifaceted ramifications on the entire region.
He mentioned that Rohingya are getting frustrated due to uncertainty over the repatriation and thus are increasingly engaged in criminal activities like drug and human trafficking.
Also the prolonged stay of the displaced population is creating tensions among the local population, he added, underscoring the need for undertaking projects for the wellbeing of local population.  
The High Commissioner lauded Bangladesh for temporarily sheltering and generously providing for such a huge number of displaced Rohingyas.
While highlighting various aspects of Bhasan Char, Foreign Minister emphasised on the full engagement of UN systems in Bhasan Char to provide humanitarian assistance for all the relocated Rohingyas on the island.
High Commissioner Grandi reiterated to continue necessary support to Government of Bangladesh for Bhasan Char.
He underscored that ensuring sustainability of the Bhasan Char project is important and all should work together on this.
High Commissioner Filippo Grandi arrived Bangladesh on 21 May. He travelled to Cox’s Bazar from May 21-23 and visited Bhasan Char on May 24. This is his fifth visit to Bangladesh. He departed Dhaka for Geneva on May 25.
