Police admit: Tackling target killing not possible


Joynal Abedin Khan :
People of all strata, including writers, bloggers and even law enforcers are not safe as killing incidents have been occurring across the country.
The criminals are now committing murders in houses, work places, markets, on roads and other crowded places amid the ‘so called’ tight security of the law enforcing agencies.
Voicing deep concern over the latest killing incident of publisher Faisal Arefin Dipan, many people voiced that they have lost their confidence on the assurance of security by the government as killers can easily escape after committing crimes like murder. A deep panic is also prevailing, especially after the murder of the two foreign nationals in the country.
Detective Branch (DB) Joint Commissioner and spokesman, Monirul Islam, at a press briefing in the capital on Sunday also admitted, “Ii is impossible to tackle the target killing due lack of proper information prior to the incident, inadequate number of law enforcers as well as modern technology.”
He said that professional and non-professional killers and other members of religious-based extremist groups are killing the targeted persons to make an unrest situation in the country.
 “A big amount of money has already been invested for some selected murders to tarnish the image of the government,” the police official said.
Earlier, Inspector General of Police (IGP) AKM Shahidul Hoque also confessed that police could not prevent the killing of two foreign nationals as they were victim of target killing.
The DMP Joint Commissioner said, “It would not be possible to prevent the ‘planned’ murders like those of the bloggers and publisher without a ‘dedicated force’.
“You’ve seen that we have strengthened ‘visible policing’. But it’s not easy to prevent ‘special crimes’ by this alone. Criminals often restrict their movements in many cases if police remain visible,” he said. “A special branch should be formed to tackle special crimes. The murders of bloggers are not common crimes. It’s not easy to prevent such crimes,” he said.
He said a ‘counter terrorism unit’ should be formed to prevent such murders as many countries have such units.
Faisal Arefin Dipan, who ran ‘Jagriti Prokashony’, was hacked to death in his office at Aziz Super Market in the city on Saturday evening. Earlier on the day, another publisher Ahmedur Rashi Tutul and his friends and bloggers Sudip Kumar alias Ranadipam Basu and Tareque Rahim were hacked by the extremists in the city’s Lalmatia area.
October 3, a Japanese national Kunio Hoshi was shot dead at Alutary village in Rangpur district.
Earlier on September 28, Italian national Cesare Tavella was shot dead by armed criminals in the capital’s Gulshan diplomatic zone. October 22, Assistant Sub-Inspector (ASI) Ibrahim Hossain Mollah was killed in city’s Darus Salam area while another ASI Sujaul Islam was killed by unidentified miscreants at Pakshi under Ishwardi upazila in Pabna district October 5.
Meanwhile, at least two persons were killed and over hundred others injured as four powerful bombs exploded at a Taziah procession amid tight security of law enforcers in front of Huseni Dalan of old Dhaka on October 23,
On October 5, miscreants slaughtered former chairman of Power Development Board (PDB) Khijir Khan at his Khanka Sharif (gathering place of followers) at Gudaraghat in the city’s Madhya Badda. At least five blogger, including Avijit Roy, were killed in different crowed areas in city and separate districts this year while 11 free thinking writers and bloggers were killed in last three years.
