Taazia processions mourn memory of Imam Husein


The Shia Muslim community has organised Taazia processions in Dhaka to commemorate the death of Imam Hussain, grandson of the Prophet Muhammad, in the Battle of Karbala in 680 AD.
The processions in the capital started on Monday night, setting out from Imambarhi and Bara Katra in Old Dhaka. They continued at 10am on Tuesday morning as a procession set out from Imambarhi and proceeded along Nazimuddin Road, Chawkbazar, Urdu Road and Umesh Datta Road before returning to the Husseini Dalan at noon.
Ashura, observed as a day of mourning in the memory of Hussain who died on the 10th of Islamic month Muharram, will be celebrated in Bangladesh on Wednesday.
Last year, two people were killed when militants exploded a bomb during preparation for the Taazia processions at Husseini Building.
That has prompted tighter security arrangements this time during the processions.
DMP’s Chawkbazar zone Senior Assistant Commissioner Kanij Fatema Papri said: “Almost 300 policemen have been assigned to provide security for the processions. RAB and police detectives are also active.”
Police have taken up positions on nearby roofs in addition to providing an escort for the processions.
Imambarhi Procession Committee Convenor Mir Jillur Ali expressed satisfaction with tight security arrangements.
“Almost 35,000 Shia Muslims treat the area around Chawkbazar and Bangshal as their home. We will take out a Taazia procession from Imambarhi at 10am on Wednesday,” he added.
