T-Aman production exceeds target in Rangpur region

BSS, Rangpur :
The farmers have exceeded the fixed target of Transplanted Aman (T-Aman) rice production by 1.86 per cent despite huge damages caused by seasonal flash floods in Rangpur agriculture region this season.
According to Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) sources, the
farmers have finally produced over 15.26 lakh tonne of T-Aman rice against the fixed production target of over 14.98 lakh tonne this season.
Earlier, the DAE fixed a target of producing over 14.98 lakh tonne of T-Aman rice by bringing over 5.61 lakh hectares of land under its cultivation in Rangpur, Gaibandha, Kurigram, Lalmonirhat and Nilphamari districts. The farmers, however, brought over 5.82 lakh hectares of land, higher by 21,729 hectares than the fixed farming target, under cultivation of the crop before the seasonal flash floods hit the area twice in August and September.
Horticulture Specialist of the DAE Khandker Md. Mesbahul Islam said floods damaged standing T-Aman crop on 98,011 hectares of land in two phases causing production losses of 2.76 lakh tonne rice amounting to Taka 862.30 crore in the region this season.
The flood-hit farmers took necessary measures like cleaning of weeds and top dressing of submerged T-Aman fields soon after recession of floodwater as per suggestions delivered by officials and experts of the DAE.
The farmers have cultivated flood-tolerant varieties of T-Aman rice like BRRI dhan51 in 14,702 hectares of land and BRRI dhan52 in 33,920 hectares of land to produce 30,687 tonne and 41,794 tonne of rice respectively.
“Besides, the farmers cultivated flood-tolerant BINA dhan11 and BINA dhan12 rice varieties in large areas and achieved excellent yield rates of varieties,” Mesbahul added. Rangpur Regional Additional Director of DAE Md. Saiful Islam said the tender plants of the flood-tolerant varieties resumed normal growth even after remaining submerged for two to three weeks.
As such, the farmers produced 15.26 lakh tonne T-Aman rice exceeding the fixed production target of 14.98 lakh tonne by 27,893 tonne rice or 1.86 percent attaining average yield of 2.93 tonne clean rice per hectare this season in the region.