T-Aman paddy plants growing excellent in Rangpur region

BSS, Rangpur :
recent rainfalls as farmers are predicting excellent production of the crop in Rangpur agriculture region this season.
Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) Officials here said transplantation of T-Aman rice seedling has already been completed, exceeding the fixed farming target of the crop by 1.64 percent in all five districts of the region.
Despite inadequate rainfalls during July and August last, the farmers with assistance of DAE and other agriculture-related organisations completed transplantation of T-Aman rice seedling timely mostly using irrigated water to crop fields.
“However, the average rainfalls of 188.36 mm during first 16 days of September worked as a tonic for growing T-Aman rice plants,” said Khondker Md Mesbahul Islam, Horticulture Specialist of the DAE at its regional office yesterday.
He said Rangpur region witnessed 278.61 mm rainfalls against normal monthly average of 437 mm in June, 227 mm against normal average of 453 mm in July and 188.36 mm till Tuesday last against normal monthly average rainfalls of 226 mm in September.
“The farmers operated 77,476 irrigation pumps, including 1,527 deep and 75,228 shallow tube wells, 239 low lift and 482 other pumps for supplementary irrigation to 2.46 lakh hectares of T-Aman crop lands in the region this time,” Islam said.
At the same time, Barind Multipurpose Development Authority (BMDA), BADC and Teesta Barrage Project authorities provided supplementary irrigation to make the T-Aman rice farming programme a success, he added.
Additional Deputy Director of Rangpur DAE Md Moniruzzaman told BSS that the government has fixed target of producing 16.39-lakh tonnes of clean T-Aman rice by bringing 5.94-lakh hectares of land under its farming this year.
“Overcoming hurdle like inadequate rainfalls, the farmers have finally transplanted T-Aman rice seedling on about 6.04 hectares of land, higher by 9,766 hectares or 1.64 percent than the fixed cultivation target in the region,” he said.
Of them, the farmers have brought 44,405 hectares of land under cultivation of hybrid variety T-Aman rice, 5.34 lakh hectares under high yielding variety and 25,461 hectares of land under local variety T-Aman rice farming.
The farmers are now taking extensive care of their growing T-Aman rice plants keeping all preparations ready to provide supplementary irrigation to their crop fields, if needed, to make the T-Aman rice farming programme successful.
“Of the growing T-Aman rice plants, 39.37 percent fields are in tillering, 38.35 percent in panicle initiation, 15.70 percent in booting, 3.97 percent in flowering, 1.30 percent in milking, 0.37 percent in dough, 0.19 percent in ripening and 0.76 percent in recovery stages now,” Moniruzzaman added.
Talking to BSS, a number of farmers of Rangpur, Gaibandha, Kurigram, Nilphamari and Lalmonirhat districts under Rangpur agriculture region said tender T-Aman rice plants now were growing superbly.
They said the growing T-Aman rice plants would not need supplementary irrigation if rainfalls came down frequently during next three weeks though they have kept irrigation pumps ready for supplementary irrigation, if needed.
“T-Aman rice plants are growing excellent following recent rainfalls and the blankets of fields have worn an eye-catching greenish look predicting a bumper production of the crop,” hoped farmer Ariful Haque of village Najirdigar in Rangpur.
