Syrian Kurds move on Tal Abyad

Refugees flooded through holes in the border fence before Turkish troops stepped in
Refugees flooded through holes in the border fence before Turkish troops stepped in

BBC Online :Kurdish fighters are reported to be moving in on the north-east Syrian town of Tal Abyad, which is held by Islamic State (IS) militants.Thousands of civilians have fled to a nearby border crossing with Turkey, and some have managed to cross to safety.The advance by the Kurdish Popular Protection Units (YPG) has been supported by Syrian rebel groups and US-led coalition air strikes.Tal Abyad is strategically important for both sides.For the IS militants, it controls a major supply route to their headquarters at Raqqa, 80km (50 miles) to the south, reports the BBC’s Jim Muir in Beirut.For the Kurds, capturing Tal Abyad would help them link up the other pockets they control along the Turkish border, from Iraq in the east to Kobane in the west, which has long been their dream, our correspondent adds.IS ‘given a beating’On Sunday evening, a YPG commander said its fighters had advanced to within 50m (165ft) of the outskirts of Tal Abyad, following three days of heavy clashes during which they seized a belt of villages previously held by IS.The US-led air strikes have helped prevent IS bringing in reinforcements from Raqqa.The jihadists blew up two bridges on the main roads to the south-east and south-west of Tal Abyad, but that failed to stop the Kurds.The Kurdish assault and threat of air strikes prompted thousands of civilians to flee their homes and head to the border with Turkey over the weekend.However, the refugees were stranded at the border fence after Turkey closed Akcakale crossing, saying it would only allow them to enter in the event of a humanitarian tragedy.On Sunday afternoon, dozens of refugees managed to cross through holes cut in the fence before being rounded up on the Turkish side of the border by Turkish soldiers, who fired water cannon and tear gas to keep them at bay.Later, refugees were seen passing through Akcakale after local officials said they had been given permission to reopen the crossing by the government in Ankara.Refugees flooded through holes in the border fence before Turkish troops stepped inThe refugees were eventually rounded up on the Turkish side of the borderYPG have been moving into IS territory on either side of Raqqa province since forcing the jihadists to withdraw from Kobane in January.The US deputy special presidential envoy for the international coalition against IS, Brett McGurk, said on Sunday that the Kurds were “really giving a beating” to IS.However, Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said he was troubled by the Kurdish advance, claiming it might “lead to the creation of a structure that threatens our borders”.The YPG is the armed wing of the Syrian Kurdish Democratic Unity Party (PYD), which is itself an offshoot of the banned Turkish Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK).Although Ankara considers IS a threat, it also fears that Turkish Kurds will cross into Syria to join the YPG and then use its territory to launch attacks on Turkey.
