Sylhet-Tamabil 4-lane project must be saved from corruption sharks


WITH a view to boosting Bangladesh’s trade and commerce, export and import by establishing sub-regional road connectivity with India, Bhutan, Nepal, Myanmar and China, the Executive Committee of the National Economic Council (ECNEC) on Tuesday approved a project involving an estimated cost of Tk 3,586 crore for upgrading Sylhet-Tamabil highway into four lanes, including a separate lane for slow moving vehicles. The project, to be implemented by the Department of Roads and Bridges, will be completed by June 2025.
According to a report in a national daily, of the total amount, a bulk amount of Tk 2,970.55 crore will come as loans from the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), while Tk 615.46 crore from the government’s own funds. However, the government will have to repay the loan in 25 years with a five-year grace period. On completion, sub-regional connectivity will be strengthened through Dhaka-Sylhet-Tamabil corridor. In addition, travel to different ports, economic zones and export processing zones will be facilitated.
Surprisingly, the Roads and Highways Ministry has proposed an estimated Tk 80 lakh for experience gaining tour of 16 project officials abroad, which is totally against the government’s austerity measures. In addition, the Ministry has also earmarked Tk 80.70 crore for consultants which seems to be too high.
As reported, the main work components will include construction of 56 km four lane road, 40 km single lane, development and rehabilitation of 2,500 meter roads, construction of 7,000-meter flyovers or overpasses, construction of 14.8 km bridges and culverts and renovation 6,800-meter bridges or culverts. Already many such projects have set a tendency to be more expensive in Bangladesh compared to that of our neighbours.
As we undertake projects with loans from development partners, we must take care to utilise the money with caution and certitude. We know thieves are waiting for their big opportunity. We can only urge that this important project must be saved from corruption sharks.  
