Sylhet tailors passing busy time for Eid

PATUAKHALI: Students brought out a rally on Patuakhali Govt College compound demanding drug-free campus yesterday.
PATUAKHALI: Students brought out a rally on Patuakhali Govt College compound demanding drug-free campus yesterday.
Sylhet Bureau :
The tailors in Sylhet city are passing very busy hours ahead of Eid-ul-Azha. Both the owners and workers in the alleys of Zindabazar, a hub of tailors in the city, are working from dawn to dusk with a very short break every day.
Around 2,500 tailors and workers in 500 tailoring shops and factories of Sylhet city are working from 10.00 am till late night everyday with a short break in the month of August, said sources. Their products are sold within the range of Tk150 to Tk 7,000 and most of the clients are women and children.
Ahmed Ali, who has been running the business for 15 years now in the area said, ‘We are the designers as well as tailors; so price of our products are lower than any other wholesale market in the country.’
Nurul Islam, owner of four tailoring shops, expressed hope to cut more profit than last year as the number of orders was already on the rise.
Most of the businessmen have already placed the orders while the tailors were almost ready to deliver.
Tree Fair draws huge crowd
Huge number of crowd, especially the lovers of nature, started visiting Sylhet divisional tree plantation campaign and tree fair at Sylhet Govt. Alia Madrasha ground in the city.
The 15-day long tree fair and tree plantation campaign and Tree fair in Sylhet division-2018 begun on August 4 at Sylhet Govt. Alia Madrasha ground in the Sylhet city.
Sylhet district administration, Sylhet district agriculture extension department and Sylhet forest division arranged the fair.
Students of different secondary and higher level school, madrasa and college in the city and district are buying trees specially fruits and flower trees from the fair.
A total of 6835 trees were sold worth aboutTk 4.86 lakh in last 4 days from the tree fair, said Delwar Rahman, Range officer of Sylhet city range.