Sylhet hospital: India hands over 2 Life Support ambulances


UNB, Sylhet :

Indian High Commissioner to Bangladesh Vikram K. Doraiswami on Tuesday handed over two Life Support ambulances to the Sylhet Osmani Medcial College and Hospital and Khadimpara 31-Bed Hospital, Sylhet Sadar.
Foreign Minister Dr AK Abdul Momen joined the function held at the Sylhet Osmani Medical College and Hospital (SOMCH).
The brand new ambulances, fitted with modern, critical life-saving equipment, can be used by paramedics and first responders to provide quality emergency care and trauma life support to patients en-route to hospital for treatment.
These ambulances are part of the overall programme for supply of 109 Life Support ambulances, as announced by Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi during his state visit to Bangladesh in March 2021.
India has assisted Bangladesh in its fight against Covid-19 in a wide variety of means, including the supply of PPE kits, medical equipment, testing kits, vaccines, and through capacity-building and experience-sharing workshops.
Bangladesh too responded when India needed assistance during the second wave of Covid earlier this year.
As a close friend of Bangladesh, India remains committed to doing all it can to assist Bangladesh, within the limits of its capacity, in its response to improving public health and welfare of its people, said the Indian High Commission in Dhaka.
