Sylhet City dwellers facing dust problem

Sylhet Correspondent :
All main lane and by lanes of Sylhet are in dilapidated condition. Many holes created or lost pitch, So all roads are under dust. It carry germ. People compelled of use mask.
At present due to rain all road were full with water. So problem of dust was absent. But after rain a new problem of dust arise. As the roads are without pitch. So hole creation by the jerking of vehicle the sand and dust spread. In many place the dust in now mix with dustbin rubbish. So many disease created. By digging road and use the road side area for construction material whole city is overflowed by dust.
Particularly the hotels of road side is affected. Many food item polluted by dust and bacteria. Shops are under dust.
According to professor Dr A.K.M Mostafa Hussain due to dust influenza, Cough, Small pox. T.B etc, Spread Alarmingly.
Many road said house holders said due to the dust of vehicle they face acute problem. Daily the clean their house but in vain the cost of cleaning became increasing.
City dwellers demanded immediate repair of roads. If it is not possible the demanded its maintenances. So people may take relief from dust.
