Swiss working hours rises

Xinhua, Geneva :
Figures released by the Swiss Federal Statistical Office (FSO) Thursday revealed that over 7. 7 billion hours were worked in 2014, representing a 1.2 percent rise compared to 2013.
According to figures, fulltime employees worked 41 hours and 20 minutes on average every week last year, and were able to take 5.1 weeks of holiday.
The 20-49 age-group workforce reported the least yearly holidays, with 4.9 weeks, while 50-64 year-olds enjoyed the most, with 5.5 weeks.
Nearly a third (31.9 percent) of the total amount of working hours in Switzerland were carried out by foreigners, despite occupying only 29.5 percent of available jobs.
On the other hand, while women occupied 46.5 percent of the total amount of jobs, their working hours accounted for only 38 percent of the total number of hours worked.
Those employed in the primary sector of the economy worked the most (45 hours and 8 minutes weekly output), followed by the financial and insurance sector (42 hours and 26 minutes) and the accommodation and restaurant sector (41 hours and 54 minutes).
According to FSO, there were more absences registered in 2014 than overtime requests, though the trend was reversed for the financial, scientific and communications sectors.