Swedish envoy visits women-led climate change adaptation initiative in Khulna

UNB, Khulna :
Sweden Ambassador in Dhaka CharlottaSchlyter and Counsellor, Head of Development Cooperation, Swedish Embassy in BangkokAnne-Charlotte Malm visited Deluti Union Parishad of Paikgacha Upazila in Khulna District on Friday to see the initiative of Gender Responsive Climate Change Adaptation.
The visiting team also included Controller, Swedish Embassy in BangkokGoranSchill, Controller, Swedish Embassy in Dhaka Reazul Islamand representatives from UNDP.
Bangladesh is considered as one of the most climate vulnerable countries and women in hard to reach areas, like Deluti union are among the most vulnerable and are at greatest risk of climate related hazards.
UNDP in collaboration with the Finance Division has been working to address this challenge through the increasing flow to climate finance.
The team visited the project and met a group of vulnerable women and learned about how the women are becoming the change makers and fighting climate change with support from UNDP and SIDA.
Under the project women are trained on alternative livelihoods like crab fattening, alternative agri-system like hydroponics etc. They are also provided with a “Women Centre” under this project, for training and other purposes.
CharlottaSchlyter has applauded the initiative of the women with support from the Union Parishad and UNDP, SIDA for their measures to tackle climate change, said a press release.
The team also visited Bainpara of Sutarkhali in Dakopupazila to see the Disaster Resilience Habitat made by the Comprehensive Disaster Management Programme (CDMP) of UNDP after cyclone Sidr.
