Sweden commits support to UNFPA for Covid-19 response


As the world continues to implement measures to mitigate the spread of the coronavirus, the government of Bangladesh has made considerable efforts to address the pandemic and maintain essential services while responding to the needs of infected patients.
Sweden committed an additional grant of Swedish Krona (SEK) 4.6 million for Covid-19 response, an UNFPA press release said on the thirteenth instant. The agreement was signed during a virtual ceremony by Ms. Christine Johansson, Charge d’affaires of the Embassy of Sweden in Bangladesh, and Dr. Asa Torkelsson, Representative of UNFPA in Bangladesh. This grant followed the additional support received from the Government of Sweden in early May 2020 towards UNFPA’s Covid-19 response efforts in Bangladesh.
In addition, SEK 23 million was also granted to UNFPA to support the continuation of midwifery education and modeling midwifery-led care in Bangladesh in coming years.
This additional support from Sweden allows UNFPA to expand the scope of crucial interventions in Covid-19 prevention including ensuring triage and separated delivery areas for Covid-19 symptomatic women at both urban and rural government facilities. This also provides personal protective equipment (PPE) for midwives and other healthcare workers.
Furthermore, the funding supports the continuation of ensuring sustainability of gender transformative, accessible, and quality sexual and reproductive health services by reducing maternal mortality and morbidity among most left behind communities in Bangladesh.
