Swechchhasebak Dal demands Rajib’s release

UNB, Dhaka :
Jatiyatabadi Swechchhasebak Dal on Tuesday demanded immediate release of Jatiyatabadi Chhatra Dal (JCD)
president Rajib Ahsan, saying the government has arrested him in a ‘false’ case as part of its move to destroy and malign BNP’s future leadership.
“The government has staged a drama of recovering drugs from JCD president Rajib Ahsan after arresting him in a false and conspiratorial case. The government did it as part of its plot to destroy young leadership and political institution,” said Swechchhasebak Dal
senior vice-president Munir Hossain.
Addressing a press conference at BNP’s Nayapaltan central office, he also alleged that the government arrested Raijb sensing that the students together with youths will wage a mass movement against it.
Swechchhasebak Dal, the BNP’s volunteer wing, arranged the press conference demanding the release of Rajib and withdrawal of the cases filed against the top leaders of the organisation.
On July 19, law enforcers arrested Rajib and his five associates allegedly with 45 Yaba tablets and a bottle of hard liquor in a car at Lebukhali Ferryghat in Dumki upazila of Patuakhali.