Suu Kyi says will work with purged ruling party leader Shwe Mann

Myanmar pro-democracy and opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi talks to the media as she attends a Parliament meeting at the Lower House of Parliament in Naypyitaw on Tuesday.
Myanmar pro-democracy and opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi talks to the media as she attends a Parliament meeting at the Lower House of Parliament in Naypyitaw on Tuesday.

Reuters, Naypyitaw :
Myanmar’s opposition leader Aung San Suu Kyi said on Tuesday she and her party would work with ousted ruling party leader Shwe Mann.
“It is now clear who is the enemy and who is the ally,” Suu Kyi told reporters when asked if Shwe Mann’s sacking meant she had lost an ally.
“The National League for Democracy Party will work with the ally,” she added.
The changes in the ruling party would likely boost the NLD’s vote count in the coming November election, she said.
 President Thein Sein purged rival Shwe Mann and his allies from the Ruling Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP) in dramatic fashion last week, just months before a landmark election.
“It is now clear who is the enemy and who is the ally,” Suu Kyi told reporters at the country’s parliament, when asked if Shwe Mann’s sacking had cost her an ally. “The National League for Democracy will work with the ally.”
She did not detail how they would work together. As chairman of the USDP, Shwe Mann sought to build ties with Suu Kyi, which sparked suspicion among some members of the ruling party and contributed to his sacking. The USDP is made up of many former military officers.
On Tuesday, Shwe Mann denied he had divided the country.
 “I am not destroying party unity and stability,” he said.
Security forces surrounded the USDP compound late on Wednesday, locking down the building while the president’s allies met party leaders to removed Shwe Mann’s faction from the leadership committee.
“As for the happenings of the middle of the night, this is not what you expect from a working democracy,” Suu Kyi said.
Shwe Mann had antagonized the military by backing Suu Kyi’s campaign to reform the constitution to limit the sway of the generals over Myanmar’s politics.
She is banned from the presidency under a constitution drafted by the military before it handed over power in 2011. The armed forces hold a veto over any charter changes.
 Suu Kyi’s opposition National League for Democracy (NLD) would likely garner more votes in the November election due to the changes in the USDP, she said.
Her party was already expected to win the most seats in the November election, seen as a crucial test of the country’s democratic reforms.
Shwe Mann still holds the position of speaker of the house and opened parliament for the last session before the vote on Tuesday.
He is under pressure to table a bill that establishes the rules for constituents to recall members of parliament and could lead to his own impeachment. He faces a petition from his own constituents.
 Tension between the rival camps rose after the USDP last week omitted from its list the majority of a group of around 150 officers who retired from military service to run as USDP candidates.
The USDP also sidelined two of the president’s closest allies by leaving them off the candidate list.
They were Soe Thein, a powerful minister of the president’s office, and Aung Min, who was picked by Thein Sein to lead the government’s efforts to forge a peace agreement with the country’s armed ethnic groups.
Shwe Mann’s fall from grace bears echoes of the political purges under the junta, leading some to doubt he has a future in public life.
“We can be sure they will uproot him by hook or by crook,” said Thein Nyunt, a member of the parliament from the New National Democracy Party (NNDP).
“So my best advice for him is ‘resign from the speaker’s position if you want to prevent further perils for you and your family’.”
