Sustainable, smart, biodegradable changes can make to lifestyle

World Earth Day: In case you too want to do your bit and adopt an eco-friendly lifestyle, here are a few changes you can make to contribute to a greener planet

Weekend Plus Desk :
very year, April 22 is observed as Earth Day. Propounded by US senator Gaylord Nelson, the day seeks to raise awareness regarding the sustenance provided by the ecosystems and the need to protect the planet. Celebrated since 1970, the theme this year is to ‘protect our species.’
In case you too want to do your bit and adopt an eco-friendly lifestyle, here are a few changes you can make to contribute to a greener planet.
Use reusable grocery bags
The repercussions of plastic use are well-known. A good way to decrease carbon footprint is to make healthier choices. You can ditch the plastic bags for reusable grocery bags. A good habit would be to carry it along with you while you go for grocery shopping. They are convenient and go a long way in contributing to a healthy planet.
Get an e-reader
Book lovers might disagree but switching to an e-reader has more advantages than one would like to acknowledge. It not only helps with preservation of trees but also helps in lessening the carbon footprint of anyone who buys new books regularly.
Replace traditional lights with LED light bulbs
LEDs are not only more efficient than the traditional lights, it also consumes less energy. Apparently 95 per cent of the energy in LEDs is converted into light and a minuscule portion of 5 per cent is wasted as heat.
Use rechargeable batteries
Batteries, as it is widely known, consist of a variety of chemicals. Some of them are potent and toxic enough to cause water and soil pollution. A good way to avert it would be to use rechargeable batteries.
Use metal water bottles
Much like replacing plastic bags, a good way to initiate a change would be to use reusable or metal water bottles at home and not the plastic bottles we generally use. If you can switch to a copper bottle, then even better.