Readers' Forum: Surrendering to greed


Leakage of question paper is again in the news. This time it is the HSC maths question paper. The leaked question paper was posted on a Facebook page the night before the exam was held. According to the media report, after the exam was held on May 25, it was found that out of 22 questions, 18 matched with the leaked questions posted on the facebook page. Why did the education board hold the exam instead of cancelling it even after learning about the allegations of leakage? The board, however, denied the allegations.
It would have been saner, had the education board assured the lakhs of students and their guardians that they would investigate the matter and punish those involved in this scam.
There have also been allegations of leakage of English second paper questions as well as two papers of both physics and chemistry this year. As a guardian, I feel deeply frustrated as to where we are taking this nation. Have we gone completely bankrupt as a nation? Are we trying to create a crippled future generation who will never be able to lead the nation? When the people in charge of imparting education to our children have no honesty and are guided by greed for money, do we really have a future?

Amit Hasan
Basabo, Dhaka