Surging homeowner loans in China raise alarms over debt

AFP, Beijing :
Chinese household debt has risen at an “alarming” pace as property values have soared, analysts say, raising the risk that a real estate downturn could send shockwaves through the world’s second largest economy.
Loose credit and changing habits have rapidly transformed the country’s famously loan-averse consumers into enthusiastic borrowers.
Skyrocketing real estate prices in major Chinese cities in recent years have seen families’ wealth surge.
But at the same time they have fuelled a historic boom in mortgage lending, as buyers race to get on the property ladder, or invest to profit from the phenomenon.
Now the debt owed by households in the world’s second largest economy has surged from 28 percent of GDP to more than 40 percent in the past five years.
“The notion that Chinese people do not like to borrow is clearly outdated,” said Chen Long of Gavekal Dragonomics.
The share of household loans to overall lending hit 67.5 percent in the third quarter of 2016, more than twice the share of the year before.