Surgery on eyes of ATM Shamsuzzaman

Entertainment Report :
After staying more than four months in two hospitals, Ekushey Award winner legendary actor ATM Shamsuzzaman returned home in the beginning of this month. But he does not see properly now. His eyes do not work. His wife Runee Zaman informed that her husband wanted to go to Kolkata to meet eye specialist but due to his present physical condition is not possible now. Surgery on eyes of ATM is scheduled to be done
at Eye Hospital in the city on September 29.
ATM Shamsuzzaman said, “Everybody pray for me.” Meanwhile September 10 was birthday of this actor. Shabnam, Shabnaz, Rosey Selim, Poppy, Rawnak Hasan, Mir Sabbir, Moutushi Biswas, among others, went to his residence
to wish him.