Supercrete Cement Cup Golf Tournament begins

BSS, Rangpur :
The first “Supercrete Cement Cup Golf Tournament -2015” kicked off here on Friday on the Golf Ground at Rangpur Cantonment in the city.
According to Rangpur Golf Club sources, the Lafarge Surma Cement Industries Limited has been sponsoring the two-day tournament being held on the Golf Ground of Rangpur Cantonment.
More than 100 contestants including males, females, junior and sub-junior golfers from different golf clubs of the country have been participating in the gents, ladies, junior and sub-junior groups of the tournament.
General Officer Commanding (GOC) of 66 Infantry Division and Rangpur Area Commander Major General Md. Masud Razzaque, ndc, afwc, psc, formally inaugurated the tournament by releasing balloons at a colorful ceremony as the chief guest.
Marketing Director of Lafarge Surma Cement Industries Limited Samaruk Fakhruddin attended the inaugural ceremony as the special guest.
