Sundarbans still home of Tigers


Staff Reporter :
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has been working for four years on Bengal Tiger Conservation Activity to save wildlife and flora and fauna of The Sundarbans, Ministry sources said.
The project also known as the ‘Bagh Activity’ is designed to reduce illegal wildlife trafficking and minimise human-tiger conflict in the Sundarbans.
Just one hundred years ago, Bengal tigers roamed about in 17 districts of Bangladesh. Although the number fell significantly, the Sundarbans is still the home of one of the largest single population of wild tigers in the world, and a global stronghold for biodiversity.
Starting in 2014, the ‘Bagh Activity’ will be implemented by Wild Team, through technical assistance from the Smithsonian Institution and the Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies.
The activity will work on making the relationship between the Sundarbans and the adjacent people stronger and safer by empowering communities and institutions to take ownership of protecting the home of the Bengal tigers.
The activity will collaborate with national and international law enforcement bodies, and will work to cut poaching and illegal trafficking of wildlife. Efforts will be given to minimise human-tiger conflict by monitoring and managing stray tigers and conducting awareness campaigns in the Sundarbans region to promote tiger conservation at national and international levels.
To promote environmentally sustainable livelihoods in the Sundarbans, the activity will explore innovative ways to help people earn without straining the region’s natural resources.
United States Ambassador to Bangladesh Dan Mozena and the Minister of Environment and Forests Anwar Hossain Manju officially launched the project recently. The Secretary of Environment and Forests Md. Nojibur Rahman attended the ceremony; the Chief Conservator of Forests Md. Yunus Ali; and USAID Mission Director Ms. Janina Jaruzelski as guests.
The United States Government, through the USAID has provided over $6 billion in development assistance to Bangladesh since 1971. In 2013, USAID provided nearly $200 million to improve the lives of people in Bangladesh
