Sundarbans plays role as a carbon sink: Alok Sharma


COP26 President-Designate Alok Sharma has highlighted the importance of the Sundarbans, the world’s largest mangrove forest, saying that it plays a significant role as a carbon sink.
During his recent visit to Bangladesh, Sharma travelled to the Sundarbans and saw how the natural defences of the Sundarbans can protect villages from high wind speed and storm surges.
“I learnt more about how this vital carbon sink protects local communities from cyclones and storm surges. Nature is the key in order to keep 1.5C in reach. Preserving it must be a priority for all,” he said.
Sharma welcomed Bangladesh climate leadership and ambition ahead of COP26.
Bangladesh signals moves to transition from coal and submit an ambitious climate plan during COP26 President’s visit.
The COP26 President-Designate welcomed strong climate commitments from Bangladesh.
“The next decade will be make, or break, for our planet, and effective global collaboration will be vital to tackling the pressing challenges the world faces. So I am delighted to have witnessed UK-Bangladeshi climate partnership in action, and heard such positive ambition from my Bangladeshi friends,” he said.
“I am inspired by the innovative work I have seen here to address some of the worst effects of climate change, and hope that Bangladesh will continue to lead by example ahead of COP26 which is our best hope of building a brighter future.”
