Sultry weather hits life, livelihood in Rajshahi

BSS, Rajshahi :
Normal livelihood of the region, particularly of the vast Barind tract, is being affected badly due to the ongoing sultry weather that is being experienced by the people in the current month.
An uneasy situation is prevailing everywhere.
The dismayed people are thronging marketplaces to buy glucose, oral saline, watermelon and other fruits to get relief to some extent.
The Met office here today said a mild heat wave hit most of the northern districts, restricting people’s movement, particularly during mid-day when the sun beats very hard.
“It’s too hot for me. I drank one litre of water an hour ago but that proved completely insufficient to quench my thirst” said Ratan, a rickshaw puller from Boaliapara.
A traffic policeman standing at a corner at the Gourhanga rail crossing almost collapsed while standing under the scorching heat at noon. “I could not take the heat anymore. I was feeling drowsy and at one stage I collapsed,” said Abu Zamal.
Officials said temperatures may set a new record this season. “We are not certain about the mercury descending in the northern districts in the next few days, but it is assumed from the existing trend that this season’s mercury may cross last year’s record,” said an official of the local met office yesterday afternoon.

Meanwhile, demand for seasonal fruits like pineapples, watermelons, green coconut has increased in the city because of hot weather.
During the last one week, the mercury remains near 39 degree Celsius. The local Met office recorded highest temperature of 39.2 degrees and air moisture of only 24.8 percent at 2 pm on Sunday.
Incidence of heatstroke together with dehydration has increased due to the unusual weather condition. The number of admitted patients suffering from various ailments has increased at Rajshahi Medical College Hospital. They are mostly of children and old people.
Doctors at Rajshahi Medical College Hospital have advised everyone to drink plenty of water to avoid dehydration.
Mostly, people whose livelihood depend on manual labour are the worst sufferers. Their daily income has reduced as they are compelled to take rest during the working hours at day time, creating a negative impact on their life and livelihood.
Regarding the scorching heat, Met Office sources said people will get no respite from the hot weather until rainfall is experienced in the region.
