Suicide Trend

Upward Amid Covid-19 Pandemic


Dr. Matiur Rahman :
Suicide is not a new phenomenon in human civilisation. Thousands of people of different age groups commit suicide each year across the globe. An info graphic of International Association for Suicide Prevention (IASP) shows that 703,000 people die by suicide worldwide each year. The global suicide rate is over twice as high among men than women. Over half (58%) of all deaths by suicide occur before the age of 50 years of old. Suicide occurs across all regions in the world; however, over three quarters (77%) of global suicides in 2019 occurred in low and middle income countries.
Data from the last few years show that the trend of suicide is increasing at an alarming rate in Bangladesh. In 2016, there were less than 9,000 suicide cases in our country. In 2017 and 2018 the number was over 10,000 and 11,000 respectively. More than 14,000 people across the country have committed suicide in 2020 during the coronavirus pandemic.
According to the World Health Organization, Bangladesh ranks tenth in the world in terms of suicidal tendencies. In Bangladesh, on an average about 30 people commit suicide every day. This includes women, men, children and people of all ages. However, in most cases, women between 21 and 30 commit suicide. Beyond these statistics, there are many more cases of suicide that remain unknown to us. Various research reports published in the last one decade revealed that the suicide rate in the country is rising.
Sociologists, psychiatrists and experts of other discipline have tried to investigate the causes of suicide and suicidal tendencies in many ways. While psychiatrists mentioned depression and mental illness as causes of suicide, on the other hand, sociologists mentioned that social factors are responsible for depression and mental illness. Thus, social factors are mostly responsible for committing suicide.
 However, suicidal thoughts are complex. The factors and causes that lead to suicide are complex and many. No single approach works for everyone. What we do know is that there are certain factors and life events that may make someone more vulnerable to suicide and mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression can also be a contributing factor. People who are suicidal may feel trapped or like a burden to their friends, family and those around them and thus feel like they are alone and have no other options. The Covid-19 pandemic has contributed to increased feelings of isolation and vulnerability for many people around the world which intensifies suicide tendency among them.
 Suicide is a great sin and an offense under the law. There is no argument in favor of suicide in all religions and ethics of the world. So why do people choose the path of suicide? There are various public and private initiatives and efforts to eradicate suicide, but suicides are still happening. If we look at the story behind suicide, the image that naturally comes to mind is dowry, unemployment, family strife, persuasion, stress, frustration, failure in love, difference between needs and aspirations, negative thoughts, lack of purpose in life, lack of trust, etc.
 All those are leading a heinous path like suicide. What is the way to get rid of it? To get rid of this, psychotherapy, positive attitude, empathy, extending the hand of friendship, creating an environment to share speeches, and self-criticism are essential. To reduce the tendency of suicide, the policy makers must come forward first. Mass awareness building is needed. Integrated projects and programmes should need to be undertaken by the government and non-government organizations across the country.
At the same time, the tendency to commit suicide will come down only if we can make people aware of the evils of suicide in movies, dramas, print and electronic media. Mental health experts say the trend will continue to grow unless action is taken to identify the causes of suicide. Therefore, in order to prevent suicide, everyone should be alert, vigilant and aware, everyone should be made aware.
International Suicide Prevention Day has been observed on September 10 every year since 2003. This year the day was observed with the theme of ‘Creating Hope Through Action’. Creating Hope Through Action’ is a reminder that there is an alternative to suicide and aims to inspire confidence and light in all of us; that our actions, no matter how big or small, may provide hope to those who are struggling.
As IASP stated preventing suicide is often possible and you are a key player in its prevention. Through action, you can make a difference to someone in their darkest moments – as a member of society, as a child, as a parent, as a friend, as a colleague or as a neighbor. We can all play a role in supporting those experiencing a suicidal crisis or those bereaved by suicide.

(Dr. Matiur is Research Consultant, Human Development Research
Centre, Dhaka).
