Suicide provocation case filed over RU teacher`s death

RU Correspondent :
Provocation to commit suicide case was filed with Motihar Police Station on Saturday following the suicide of RU teacher Akhter Jahan Jolly.
The case was filed by deceased Akhter Jahan’s younger brother Kamrul Hasan Ratan where he mentioned, ‘After seeing the suicide note it refers that directly or indirectly she could be forced to
commit suicide by someone’. But Ratan didn’t mention any name. Humayun Kabir, Officer-in-Charge (OC) of Motihar Police Station confirming the matter said, ‘Akter Jahan’s brother filed a case of abetting suicide against some unnamed persons.’
 ‘We are investigating the matter and proper steps should be taken after investigation’, he also added.
Meanwhile, after the autopsy, doctor primarily came to decision that Akter Jahan died for poisonous effect.
 “Poison was primarily detected on her body and no injuries were found”, said Dr Anamul Haque, Lecturer of Forensic dept of Rajshahi Medical College, after the teacher’s autopsy on Saturday noon.
After the autopsy, the dead body reached Rajshahi University mosque premises at 4:15pm where her namaz-e-janaza was held.
Her dead body was taken in front of university Mass Communication and Journalism (MCJ) department while the students, teachers and her colleagues bursts into tears seeing her for the last time.
 “She was taken to Dhaka from the university at 5:20pm while she would be buried at Banani graveyard”, family sources confirmed.
It is mentionable that Akter Jahan, 44, was found dead in the university Zuberi building at her residential room No 303 on Friday.
A suicide letter was also recovered from her room at 8:00pm on the day in which she exempted everyone from liability for her death. She wrote that unbearable physical and mental pressure prompted her to take that decision.