Agencies lack coordination: Sufferings of city people worsen

UNB, Dhaka :
Lack of coordination among different government agencies in implementing urban development projects in the capital not only intensifies sufferings of city dwellers but also sharply raises project costs. Implementation of projects by different utility service agencies in Moghbazar-Mouchak area alongside the gigantic flyover project is the latest example that shows how lack of coordination among agencies could be the cause of people’s worsening plight.
Barely a month ago, the authorities concerned of Moghbazar-Mouchak Flyover Project repaired the roads in the project area, aiming to ease the sufferings of commuters. But, the Dhaka Power Distribution Company (DPDC) authorities recently started digging the newly-repaired roads in Moghbazar area. But it could have started the works earlier maintaining coordination with the flyover project authorities, aggrieved commuters said. During a visit to Moghbazar area on Thursday, the UNB correspondents found that workers were digging roads to
lay underground electric cables in the area, which aggravated the sufferings of commuters and hampers the construction work of the flyover project. “DPDC started digging roads in Moghbazar area suddenly which puts our works in trouble,” project director of Moghbazar-Mouchak Flyover Project Sushanto Kumar Paul told UNB.
Apart from road cutting by the DPDC, the Dhaka South City Corporation (DSCC) is also reinstalling drainage system in Moghbazar-Mouchak area and other areas of the city by digging footpaths, obstructing the movement of pedestrians. “If the DSCC and the city corporation started their works maintaining coordination with us, a huge amount of money could be saved and public sufferings minimised,” said Sushanto Kumar.
Lack of coordination is the salient feature of poor governance in Dhaka city. Many government agencies are working in the capital, but they have no coordination among each other during implementation of their projects, according to the experts. “I find lack of coordination everywhere in urban governance. Roads are being dug frequently for lack of coordination. But, we’ll have to take some concrete decisions in this regard.
There must have a strong political will so that all political actors and agencies can be pulled together,” said Dr Asif M Zaman, a water resources specialist. Noted urban planner Dr Sarwar Jahan said the function of a planned city is similar to the function of human body where every component is interconnected. “If a city’s population increases, its other components will have to be increased to keep it a sustainable one,” he said. But, he said, all city agencies are preparing and implementing their plans without maintaining coordination with others.
“City corporations, Rajuk, the DPDC and other agencies are implementing their plans in the capital on their sweet will, but works of all the agencies must be brought under a strong and single authority to ensure coordination among them,” the urban planner suggested. Dr Sarwar Jahan, also former president of Bangladesh Institute of Planners (BIP), said taking development plans separately may solve the problems of city dwellers partially, but the development works will have no use in the long run. If coordination is not ensured among all the government agencies, there will be no complete solution to any problem, he said, adding that all urban problems will turn acute in the days to come.
Engineer Abdus Sobhan, former additional director general of the Department of Environment (DoE), said when the utility agencies like DPDC and Dhaka Wasa dig city roads, the city corporations realise fees from these agencies to repair roads but the corporation hardly does it timely. Besides, he said, when four urban agencies, for example, need to cut a road to carry out their works, the agencies are seen cutting it four times on separate occasions for lack of coordination among them, raising government expenditures. “Now, question may arise who will ensure coordination.
The Planning Commission can do it. Before approving urban projects, the Commission should know which agencies need to dig city road and it should ask the agencies to implement their projects during a common period ensuring the coordination,” he said.