Success story of a Bangladeshi American

Campus Report :
A seminar on ‘A Successful Story of A Bangladeshi American’ has recently been arranged at BIIS, NUB to inspire the young talents of Northern University Bangladesh (NUB).
The speaker of the program was Ferdous M Ghazi, Design Engineer of Chassis and Suspension group of General Motors. Prof Dr Abu Yousuf Md. Abdullah, Chairman, NUB Trust was the chief guest while Prof Dr Anwar Hossain, Vice Chancellor, NUB chaired the session.
The speaker presents his success story before the audience. He told, nothing is impossible if there is a will. He inspires the students to think big and ask them to get prepared to achieve something great in life.
The seminar was also attended by Prof Dr Anwarul Karim, Pro Vice Chancellor, Saad-Al-Zabir Abdullah, Director IT, Ltd Col Aqtedar Ahmed Siddiqui (Retd), Registrar, Deans, Heads, Faculty members, Administrative officials and the Students of NUB.