Success in agriculture, fishery, livestock sectors lauded

BSS, Rangpur :
Experts at a discussion have lauded the revolutionary success already achieved by the nation in the agriculture, fishery and livestock sectors ensuring food security for the growing population.
They said the pro-farmer policy of the present government led by Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina has helped the nation in achieving the success to increase food production substantially despite various adverse situations, including climate change impacts.
The agriculture experts said this at a discussion organised here on Friday afternoon by Rangpur unit of the Krishibid Institution Bangladesh (KIB) to observe the Krishibid Day-2015 through various programmes, including colourful rally and discussion.
President of Rangpur district unit of KIB and Deputy Director of the Department of Agriculture Extension (DAE) Zulfiquer Haider presided over the discussion at the conference room of the Seed Certification Agency (SCA) office in the city.
A large number of the agriculturists of different government and non-government departments, organisations, institutes and agencies participated in the discussion.
General Secretary of district unit of KIB and Regional Director of Agriculture Information Service Abu Sayem narrated the laudable role and contributions of the agriculturists in developing the country’s agriculture sector.
Social Welfare Secretary of district unit of KIB Agriculturist Ahsan Habib also addressed the discussion.
Earlier, the agriculturists brought out a huge colourful rally in the city streets before gathering at the SCA office.
In their speeches, the agriculturists recalled the contribution of Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman for establishing proper recognition and dignity of the agriculturists through raising their status to class one officers in 1973.
They expressed commitments for increasing agriculture productions through engaging their all-out endevours and talents to make the country completely self-reliant on crop output for ensuring its food security under changing climatic conditions.
The chief guest said that the good will and pro-farmers’ polices of the present government has been inspiring the agriculturists and farmers in contributing maximum to achieve sustainable national food security through increasing agriculture production.