Subhan’s counsel concludes quizzing PW-14


The defence for the trial of Jamaat leader Mawlana Abdus Subhan on Thursday concluded the cross-examination of 14th prosecution witness (PW) at the International Crimes Tribunal (ICT)-2.
After the conclusion of his cross-examination, the tribunal adjourned the hearing till June 22. Azizul Sarder, an inhabitant of the village Ramnathpur under Ishwardi police station in Pabna, submitted his deposition yesterday, accusing the nayeb-e-ameer of Jamaat-e-Islami for detaining his brother and subsequently killing him along with three other people during the War of Liberation.
Azizul also alleged that Subhan and his cronies had also looted their house and later set it on fire.
“Subhan along with 50/60 Razakars raided our house on October 30, 1971, and started beating my family members. They tied my brother Osman to a mango tree. Subhan and his men looted all the valuables from our house before setting it on fire. They had taken away my brother on a vehicle used by Razakars,” the witness said in his testimony.
Subhan, 77, was indicted on December 31, 2013, on 9 counts of crimes against humanity by the ICT-1. On March 27, 2014, the ICT- 1 transferred the case to ICT-2 for quick disposal.
