Sub-standard cosmetics flood Kishoreganj market


Staff Reporter, Kishoreganj :
Substandard and fake cosmetics products have flooded in different markets of Kishoreganj rendering thousands of users vulnerable to several skin and health diseases.
Most of these cosmetics are of very low quality and produced by using harmful chemicals.
Doctors said that use of substandard cosmetics may contain strong acids and alkalis that are harmful for skin and hair. These substances can cause itching, hair loss, swelling, pigmentation and even skin cancer.
“Some chemicals used in cosmetics products are harmful for health. Mostly substandard and cheap cosmetics products contain these chemicals that may cause severe skin diseases,” said, Dr.Athaur Rahman, Assistant Professor of Medicine in Syed Nazrul Islam Medical College and Hospital, Kishoreganj.
 “For instance, some skin brightening creams have chemicals that create an extra layer on the skin to prevent contacts with sunlight, which can have adverse effects in the longer run. It may even lead to skin cancer,” he said.
Unscrupulous local manufacturers produce counterfeit products of popular brands using poor quality materials while a huge amount of cheap cosmetics products are imported from India, China, Taiwan and other Asian countries.
“Our country does not have any specific standards or production guidelines for majority of cosmetics. Unscrupulous producers are taking advantage of this ambiguity and producing a wide range of products that violates international standards,” said Consumers’ Association Bangladesh (CAB) in Kishoreganj President Alam Sarowar Tito.
Bangladesh Standards and Testing Institution (BSTI) has banned 17 skin whitening creams containing harmful levels of mercury and hydroquinone.
On a visit to the markets found scores of substandard products including moisturisers, cleansers, soaps, powders, shampoo, conditioner, bleach, hair dyes, oils, and depilatories (hair removing agents) along with numerous other products.
“We have to keep items of both superior and lower qualities for the convenience of different classes of customers,” said Roman, a retailer in Kishoreganj ‘s Bara Bazar when asked why he is knowingly selling low-quality products.
“We do warn our customers that these may possibly be second-rate in quality but most buyers tend to prefer the cheap ones which are mostly substandard
While many of these alike are being sold without any seals or brands from the manufacturers, some are sold using names and logos similar to popular brands.
DNCRP, CAB including Administration drives cosmetics shops in Kishoreganj town. .
DNCRP Assistant Director (AD) in Kishoreganj office Rahday Ronjon Bonik said, we drives fake, substandard cosmetics markets in the district and seized BSTI bans 17 face -crems with dangerous levels of mercury and fines.
