Students seek justice against rape threat Bakshibazar road barricaded: Bus driver, helper held

Students from Begum Badrunnessa Govt Girls College and other Dhaka educational institutions block the Bakshibazar intersection on Sunday protesting a 'rape threat' made against a college student by a bus helper. NN photo
Students from Begum Badrunnessa Govt Girls College and other Dhaka educational institutions block the Bakshibazar intersection on Sunday protesting a 'rape threat' made against a college student by a bus helper. NN photo

Staff Reporter :
The elite force Rapid Action Battalion (RAB) has arrested the accused Tikana bus driver Rubel and his assistant Mehedi Hasan on charge of threatening to rape a student of city’s Begum Badrunnesa Government Women’s College.
They were arrested from Siddhirganj in Narayanganj on Sunday.
MM Imran Khan, Senior Assistant Director of Law and Media at RAB headquarters, confirmed the information on Sunday night.
Earlier, students of various institutions in the capital have given a 24-hour ultimatum to the government to accept their half fare demand on public transports and to arrest the bus driver’s assistant who threatened a female student of rape on public transport for demanding half fare.
On Sunday, outraged students of Begum Badrunnesa Government Women’s College blocked the Bakshibazar around 10 am.
Witnesses said police prevented students on the college gate of Badrunnessa College in the morning when they tried to bring put procession from the campus protesting the threat and demanding half bus fare for all students.
Later, when students from other educational institutions including the remaining six colleges affiliated to Dhaka University of the capital went there, the gates were opened.
Shortly after 10 am, hundreds of students marched to Bakshibazar and took position on the road. The traffic was stopped in the surrounding area at that time.
Students were seen holding placards with slogans such as “We want justice,” “Half fare is not begging but our right,” and “Message of rape if you want your rights,” during the protest.
As a result, the blockade caused severe traffic jams on the various roads around the spot.
Saiful Islam, a student of Dhaka College, spoke on behalf of the agitated students at the protest spot around 12 noon. He said, “Half fare should be implemented in public transport in the interest of students across the country.” Notification should be issued with instructions for good behavior with students in public transport.
In addition, the bus driver’s assistant who threatened of raping a female student should be arrested very soon and brought to justice within this period.
Other demands:
1. Students cannot be harassed
2. Transport must be stopped in front of the colleges for the students
3. Ensure female seats
4. Ensuring to get in the buses with dignity
5. Ensuring the safety of girls
6. All kinds of buses have to stop and pick up the students from the every bus stop including Rayerbagh, Shanirakhra, Kajla, and Signboard.
Earlier, a second-year student of Badrunnesa College threatened of raping by a helper of a bus on Saturday when she tried to pay half of the fare at Shonir Akhra in the capital. The students demanded to bring the accused to justice.
