Students’ protests for early exams


When education should have been the topmost priority of the government, our students at colleges and universities are being ruthlessly victimised by the whims and indecision of the Education Ministry. Actually, the delay in holding examinations is pushing the academic future of the students into further uncertainty.
Students of different public universities and colleges under the National University and Dhaka University have staged agitation programmes across the country demanding the reopening of their educational institutions and the holding of the scheduled examinations. To them, the extension of the closure till May 23 due to COVID-19 would intensify the session jam. It has already cost them one full academic year and further delay in exams would mean another year lost. For undergraduate students and others in higher studies, exam results are not just for the next grade, but a scorecard for the career.
In this context, we like to mention that the students of seven colleges affiliated with Dhaka University could not accept the thoughtless and abrupt suspension of examinations. They took to the street and blocked road intersections in the capital’s New Market area, demanding exams. As the ministry took decision the same afternoon that the exams would continue, the agitating students left the street.
Indeed, the government decision to hold the exams at the seven colleges had encouraged students of other colleges under the National University and those of Home Economics College under Dhaka University to start demonstrations blocking roads at the Nilkhet and Shahbagh intersections creating traffic havoc. The same day, the National University also announced exams schedule in May following students’ protest. In the face of protests, the ministry also decided to reopen public and private universities on May 24.
Time is yet to come to resume the academic activities in full swing. Without wasting time, the authorities should better recast preferences and work plans suiting the post-pandemic times. We call upon the authorities to immediately reassure students whether the final decision will be taken based on better understanding of the situation and the concerns of students. Whatever the decision it must take into consideration the best interests of students and their future.
