Students’ orientation of IUBAT Fall semester


Campus Report :
The 67th orientation program of new students of Fall Semester 2014 of International University of Business Agriculture and Technology (IUBAT) was held recently at IUBAT permanent campus in the city.
The freshers joined the orientation program with lots of enthusiasm and high spirits. They followed the guidelines in respect of dress and behavior code, use of library and, labs including relevant rules and practices to be adhered to as delivered by the assigned professionals in respective functionaries.
Presiding over the program Prof. Dr M Alimullah Miyan, Founder Vice Chancellor of IUBAT underscored the need of massive manpower development to ensure quality assurance in higher education for facilitating the socio-economic growth and development. Speakers on the occasion, highlighting the excellence of IUBAT said focal point of modern higher education in contemporary world is mostly demand based.
They stressed on developing the grooming process to ensure human resource development through advanced knowledge, information technology and innovative practices. All these are the panacea to strengthening foundation of a society in modern contemporary world leading to socio-economic
