Students of BU negotiate peace with trans-owners


Barisal Correspondent :
Students of Barisal University on Monday postponed their agitation programmes following negotiations with road transport owners and assurances of university authority.
Students started the programme on May 29 to press their six point’s demands including punishment of the road transport workers and leaders for attacking and inujring students, immediate construction of the student halls and boundary walls, construction of passenger shed at the bus stoppage and speed breakers in front of BU permanent campus, fixation of session fees with all other charges as Tk.3,000 per student, announcement of the date of BU Student Union election, withdrawal of the resignation letters of five assistant proctors.
HM Zahirul, convener of convener of the BU Sadharan Chhatra Parishad, said, the agitation programmes were postponed after a tri-party meeting held at the office of the BU vice chancellor on Monday noon.
The meeting was attended by Prof Md Harunor Rashid Khan, VC, Monirul Islam, register, Prof Shafiul Alam and Prof Tanvir Qaiser, president and secretary of teachers association, HM Zahirul Islam, Ferozul Islam, Imran Hossain Nantu, Toufique Omar, leaders of the agitated students of BU and Kawsar Hossain and Md Naim, secretary and organizing secretary of Barisal Bus Owners Association.
The bus owners agreed to give a special reserved shuttle bus for plying from city to BU permanent campus, introduce half concession for the students on all routes connecting campus showing identity card, giving stoppages at BU campus gate.
On other hand Prof Md Harunor Rashid Khan, VC of Barisal University informed, as the resignations of the assistant proctors were not accepted, so they could perform their duties. BU authourity also decided to collect per head Tk 3000 as session charges adding Tk 500 as transportation fees.
Works for constructing speed breaker, passenger shed in front of the BU campus gate stoppage started and boundary walls would be built later, BU VC told.
Student leader HM Zahirul Islam said, the authourity also agreed about forming student body after starting the residential halls and full pledged permanent campus.
However the student leaders also cautioned that if the agreed decisions would not be implemented properly, they will restart their agitation programmes.
Mentionable that, a two-hour long clashes between Barisal University students and road transports workers injured 10, damaged 3 vehicles following altercations about bus stoppage and fares on May 29 in front of BU permanent campus.
Agitated students started to boycot classes and exams from Saturday to press home their six point demands and cautioned to go on more hard programmes if their demands would not be fulfilled within Monday evening.
